Halcyon Neighborhood Association

Saturday, November 11, 2006

HNA News: Volunteer today rain or shine; potluck 11/19; neighbor in art show

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Halcyon Neighborhood Association E-Newsletter*
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1. Rain or Shine: Please volunteer Today, November 11, 10:00-2:00,  Mulching & Neighborhood Cleanup with Help from the Berkeley Project
2. Community Potluck, Sunday, November 19, 6-8 p.m., 2329 Webster
3. Halcyon neighbor Shael Barger's work in art show

Our work party today will be taking place rain or shine -- and it looks like there's a clearing trend in any case -- so come join us (see item 1 below). Refreshments will be served!

-Nancy Carleton, HNA Co-Chair and E-Newsletter Editor

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1. Rain or Shine: Please volunteer Today, November 11, 10:00-2:00,  Mulching & Neighborhood Cleanup with Help from the Berkeley Project

Meet at 10:00 a.m. at Halcyon Commons Park (Halcyon Court at Prince Street) or join us at some point along the way (come to Halcyon Commons to get an assignment).
Refreshments courtesy of Whole Foods Market.
Come help Cal student volunteers from the Berkeley Project!

Although we won't have quite as many Cal volunteers due to the weather, the majority of Berkeley Project volunteers will be showing up to help weed, mulch, pick up trash, and remove graffiti will be showing up rain or shine.

Susan Hunter, Bruce Wicinas, and I (Nancy Carleton) could use the help of a few more neighbors, so please consider stopping by and helping our student volunteers out. Your reward besides good company: delicious food donated by Whole Foods Market.

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2. Halcyon Community Potluck, Sunday, November 19, 6-8 p.m., 2329 Webster

What:  A chance to gather with neighbors over shared food.
When:  Sunday, November 19, 6-8 p.m.
Where:  John & Michelle's house, 2329 Webster (2nd house west of Whole Foods Market).
Who:  Those who live in the Ashby-Telegraph-Woolsey-Adeline quadrant are welcome, including children.
Agenda:  We'll share food and socialize for the first hour-plus, then have a brief informal meeting where we brainstorm our HNA calendar for the coming year, including arranging hosts and locations for our fabulous Post-Holiday Progressive Potluck in January (we progress to four households for the different courses); setting a date for a community-wide Neighborhood Watch meeting to address crime and disaster preparedness; setting date for next Steering Committee meeting; planning Halcyon Commons work party dates for 2007; etc.
Bring:  Please bring a potluck item to share. Potluck suggestions:  * A-H: Main Dish *  I-L: Appetizer *  M-S:  Salad *  T-Z Dessert (if it's easy, please also bring a beverage to share).
Volunteers Needed:  John and Michelle request two volunteers to come half an hour early (5:30) to help set up; please email John at  <jsteere@igc.org> if you can help in this way.

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3. Halcyon neighbor Shael Barger's work in art show

Halcyon neighbor Shael Barger, who many of you see walking her two beautiful dogs Chaco and Adobe, makes exquisite, artistic jewelry. Her work was selected to appear in an art show taking place now through January 20 at the Collectors Gallery at the Oakland Museum. A reception for the  artists is taking place today (Saturday, November 11).

The Collectors Gallery, run by the Oakland Museum Women's Board, offers contemporary California paintings, graphics, photographs and crafts for sale. Paintings and graphics are also available for rental. Gallery hours are Wednesday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. The Gallery is staffed by volunteers; please call to verify hours if you are planning a visit:  510-834-2296 (call for reception hours).

The Oakland Museum of California is located in downtown Oakland, one block from the Lake Merritt BART station and a few blocks from highway 880. Go to http://www.museumca.org/visit/index.html for directions.

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The Halcyon Neighborhood Association E-Newsletter:  The HNA E-Newsletter forwards occasional crime watch notices as well as announcements about events of interest to neighbors in the Ashby/Telegraph/Woolsey/Adeline area of south Berkeley, including community-building potlucks, greening projects, disaster preparedness meetings, and work parties in Halcyon Commons Park. If you're receiving this email, either you signed up at a neighborhood event or a neighbor may have forwarded it to you. Please note that to prevent spam, HNA always uses bcc and does not share your email address with third parties. If you wish to be removed from this list, please reply to HNA Co-Chair Nancy Carleton/Halcyon Neighborhood Association <ngc2@mindspring.com>. Please feel free to pass the HNA E-Newsletter on to other neighbors you think might be interested.

HNA Listserve:  If you would like to receive messages (and participate in discussions) on the HNA Listserve, please reply to Halcyon Neighborhood Association <ngc2@mindspring.com> indicating your interest, and you will receive an invitation to join.

HNA Blog:  If you would like to view previous newsletters online (and comment via a blog format), please visit http://halcyoncourt.blogspot.com/

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