HNA News: Weeding 4/25, Disaster Prep. Comm. 4/29,
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Halcyon Neighborhood Association E-Newsletter*
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In This Newsletter
1. Weeding Work Party, Tues., April 25, 5:45-6:45 p.m., Halcyon Commons Park
2. Yahoo Group Forming re Fast-Food Application for 3075 Telegraph
3. Steering Committee Meeting & Disaster Prep Subcommittee Meeting, Sat., 4/29, 4-6 p.m.
4. Get Ready Berkeley Day, Sat. May 6, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
5. Free Disaster Preparedness Classes in May/June
6. Crime Watch Report: Fire in Recycling Papers
7. More Links on Ashby BART Transit Village & Task Force
8. LeConte Neighborhood Association Meeting, Thursday, April 20, 7:30 p.m.
In light of all the media attention this week to the 100-year anniversary of the 1906 Quake, let's take some of that energy and get better prepared as a neighborhood and as individuals - and have a good time building community as we go. This newsletter contains three items related to disaster preparedness, so there are plenty of opportunities to take the next step. In particular, the more neighbors who take the free disaster preparedness classes the City offers, the better our neighborhood's chances of being selected as the site of an emergency supply cache (these caches are being stored by the City in various neighborhoods throughout the City). And on May 6th, Get Ready Berkeley Day offers a free lunch and safety prizes to those who help distribute literature door-to-door for a couple of hours. Let's get ready!
-Nancy Carleton, HNA Co-Chair and E-Newsletter Editor
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1. Weeding Work Party, Tues., April 25, 5-6 p.m., Halcyon Commons Park
Join us at Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) to mop up the weeding that got interrupted by rain last month. In particular, let's get the weeds out of the pathways. If we have enough hands, we'll spend the last twenty minutes weeding the landscaped barrier at Prince and Deakin. Thanks for your help!
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2. Yahoo Group Forming re Fast-Food Application for 3075 Telegraph
Update on the new building at 3075 Telegraph (where the old laundromat/liquor store burned down): The mixed-use condo/commercial building replacing the burned-down buildings is almost complete at long last. The Zoning Adjustments Board has approved a use permit for a (locally owned) cafe on the north corner of the building. An application is coming before ZAB on May 11 for another one of the spaces, this one a less benign fast-food sandwich place (Quizno's). Henry Sobel, a neighbor from the east side of Telegraph, is organizing neighbors to stay informed (and take action) through a new Yahoo listserve group with occasional emails related only to 3075 Telegraph, based on his concern over "the potential effect on quality of life, impact on parking, direct competition of existing businesses in same building, impact of mass-market chains, and litter." See his announcement below for information on how to join the yahoo group:
Dear Neighbors,
I am writing to express my concern over the new building at 3075 Telegraph. I think it is important that we have input into the types of retail tenants come in there, and the impact on the neighborhood . Currently there are plans to bring in a chain sandwich shop, Quizno's. To facilitate communication in the neighborhood regarding this issue, I have created a Yahoo group "3075." For those of you not familiar with this medium, the Yahoo group enables one to send email to a group at once, receive news on the proposed topic, participate in polls and centralize important files, and organize email sent through it. Members can choose to receive email as it comes in or receive a "daily digest." To join the group, you will need to get a Yahoo ID, which takes only a minute. You have the option to set up (or not) a free Yahoo email account at the same time, or have mail go to your regular account. For privacy, and to avoid potential spammers, membership is by invitation.
To summarize the Quizno's issue, there is a city planner who is putting together a report for an upcoming [Zoning Adjustments Board] meeting on May 11. I think they are asking for a parking exception. I'm hoping people can send letters of concern (if they have any) by the end of this month, so as to be included in the report. I've updated the Yahoo Group "3075" with a letter I've sent, the response, and the contact info for city officials. . . .
Thanks for your support. Please send your email to request an invitation to join the group to <>, and I'll send you an invitation. Please let me know of others in the neighborhood I should invite to this group.
Henry Sobel
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3. Steering Committee Meeting & Disaster Prep Subcommittee Meeting, Sat., 4/29, 4-6 p.m.
Dawn Rubin's Basement Office, 3049 Wheeler (go to right of house to back door to enter)
If you're interested in playing a leading or organizing role in strengthening our neighborhood's disaster preparedness (and following up on some of the good ideas generated at the neighborhood-wide meeting last October) either as a block captain or in some other role, please join the Disaster Prep Subcommittee meeting on Saturday, April 29th. (The first half hour of the meeting will be devoted to some more general housekeeping details of the HNA Steering Committee, which has overlapping membership with the Disaster Prep Subcommittee; the last hour and a half will be devoted to continuing our disaster preparedness plans.)
Discussion will include:
* Practical next steps to move our neighborhood toward greater preparedness
* Water drum project (bulk order of 55-gallon drums)
* Organizing an effective block-by-block structure, including identifying block captains for all blocks
* Sharing information about Oakland's program and available resources through the City of Berkeley
* Brainstorming
Please RSVP to Dawn Trygstad Rubin <> if you're new to the committee and plan to attend (a rough attendance count is helpful in case we need to find a larger meeting place).
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4. Get Ready Berkeley Day, Sat. May 6, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Help distribute disaster prep information. Meet at San Pablo Park.
Carol Lopes of the City of Berkeley Office of Emergency Services forwards the following message:
Saturday, May 6 is "Get Ready Berkeley Day," and we need hundreds of volunteers to distribute life-saving information to thousands of Berkeley residents' doors. Here's an opportunity to do something in our own community toward preparing our residents for a disaster. Volunteer walkers will receive a safety prize and lunch at 12:30 hosted by the Berkeley Firefighters Association. . . . Our motto for this campaign is "No One's Prepared Until Everyone's Prepared!"
Volunteers will meet May 6th at 10 a.m. sharp at the Frances Albrier Community Center in San Pablo Park (2800 Park Street, four blocks east of San Pablo Avenue, between Ward and Russell)
RSVP your participation today. Please help recruit more volunteers by forwarding this email, and please let us know how many others you can bring to help. To RSVP, please contact Get Ready Berkeley Program Coordinators Carol Lopes at 981-5576 or, or Elinor Buchen at 981-5584.
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5. Free Disaster Preparedness Classes in May/June
Basic Personal Preparedness, Sat., May 13, 10:00-12:00, 997 Cedar Street
Fire Suppression, Saturday, May 20, 9:00-12:00, Berkeley Marina, 201 University Ave.
Disaster First Aid, Saturday, June 3, 9:00-12:00, 997 Cedar Street
Light Search & Rescue, Saturday, June 10, 9:00-1:00, 997 Cedar Street
For more information, contact Dory Ehrlich at 510 981-5506 or visit
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6. Crime Watch Report: Fire in Recycling Papers
A Wheeler Street neighbor reports:
"I just wanted to let folks on the list know that a neighbor and I found another neighbor's paper recycling (that had been brought to the curb) on fire on Tuesday morning April 11 around 10:45 a.m. It could have been an accident, but it looked to me like the materials were built up on purpose, though I can't imagine why someone would do this. This happened on Wheeler near Woolsey."
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7. More Links on Ashby BART Transit Village & Task Force
"City Hires Firm to Study Ashby Flea Market Move"
"Commentary: An Ashby Bart Task Force? Yes - With A Few Big Ifs" (by Robert Lauriston)
"Controversy Surrounds Ashby BART Task Force"
"Commentary: Ashby Task Force to Make Recommendations" (by Marcy Greenhut)
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8. LeConte Neighborhood Association Meeting, Thursday, April 20, 7:30 p.m.
LeConte Neighborhood Association President Karl Reeh sends the following information about the next LNA meeting:
The LeConte Neighborhood Association will meet Thursday, April 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the LeConte School cafeteria.
AGENDA TO INCLUDE: (Please let Karl know of other items and announcements.)
* Willard Principal: Robert Ithurburn will discuss student/neighborhood relations
* Black and White Liquors: Declared a "Public Nuisance." What does this mean?
* Barn Owl: Berkeley's "Official" Bird. Shall LNA promote Owl Boxes? Where?
* 1610 Oregon: Superior Court Judge's ruling: "Pay up and/or move"
* Bus Rapid Transit: Educational Forum 5/11/06 (Willard NA)
* Willard Principal: Robert Ithurburn will discuss student/neighborhood relations
* Black and White Liquors: Declared a "Public Nuisance." What does this mean?
* Barn Owl: Berkeley's "Official" Bird. Shall LNA promote Owl Boxes? Where?
* 1610 Oregon: Superior Court Judge's ruling: "Pay up and/or move"
* Bus Rapid Transit: Educational Forum 5/11/06 (Willard NA)
* Get Ready Berkeley Day, May 6, 10-1:00 w/Fireman's B-B-Q & prizes (981-5584) *
* Ashby/BART Development?
* Center for Independent Living: Replacement building on Telegraph
* Elections (Voluntary dues $10 per annum)
* Elections (Voluntary dues $10 per annum)
Cheers, Karl Reeh (843-2602) (If you wish to speak on any of these please let me know so I can allot time. Not counting questions, of course.)
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The Halcyon Neighborhood Association E-Newsletter: The HNA E-Newsletter forwards occasional crime watch notices as well as announcements about events of interest to neighbors in the Ashby/Telegraph/Woolsey/Adeline area of south Berkeley, including community-building potlucks, greening projects, disaster preparedness meetings, and work parties in Halcyon Commons Park. If you're receiving this email, either you signed up at a neighborhood event or a neighbor may have forwarded it to you. Please note that to prevent spam, HNA always uses bcc and does not share your email address with third parties. If you wish to be removed from this list, please reply to HNA Co-Chair Nancy Carleton/Halcyon Neighborhood Association <>. Please feel free to pass the HNA E-Newsletter on to other neighbors you think might be interested.
HNA Listserve: If you would like to receive messages (and participate in discussions) on the HNA Listserve, please reply to Halcyon Neighborhood Association <> indicating your interest, and you will receive an invitation to join.
HNA Blog: If you would like to view previous newsletters online (and comment via a blog format), please visit
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