HNA E-News: Attn. Neighbors West of Shattuck!; Disaster Prep Mtg. Sunday; Shattuck Corridor Merchants' Meeting Today; Crime Watch reports; Etc.
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Halcyon Neighborhood Association E-Newsletter
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Items appearing in the HNA E-Newsletter are deemed to be of general interest to neighbors but do not necessarily reflect the views of Halcyon Neighborhood Association (HNA), its Steering Committee, or the Editor. The Editor's introductory comments express her personal viewpoint.
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1. Attention Neighbors West of Shattuck! Please Read!
2. Disaster Prep Planning Meeting, Sunday, January 27, 4-6 p.m., 3049 Wheeler Street
3. Shattuck Corridor Merchants' Watch Meeting Today, Wednesday, Jan. 23, 5:30-7:00 p.m., 6525 Shattuck
4. Crime Watch Follow-up: Safety Analysis in Vicinity of Chochmat HaLev
5 Crime Watch Report: Robbery on Ashby at Deakin, 2:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 21
6. Crime Watch Report: Burglary at Woolsey and Wheeler
7. Lost & Found: Items Left at Potluck Households
8. UC Berkeley Sponsoring Global Warming Forum, Thursday, January 31, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
* For Your Calendar: HNA Dates Scheduled for 2008
* Disaster Prep Supply Cache Wish List
* City of Berkeley: Useful Contact Information
* Halcyon Neighborhood Association's Guiding Principles
Editor's Introductory Note:
Please leave your porch lights on at night! This is one small but significant step we could all take toward greater neighborhood safety. At the safety analysis/walkthrough of the neighborhood around Chochmat HaLev with City personnel (see report in item 4), which was a follow-up to the armed robbery late last year of two women coming out of Chochmat HaLev, we found that around 55 to 60 percent of the surrounding households had the porch lights on. While almost all City lights were working as intended (i.e., light not blocked by surrounding trees), the neighborhood could do better in showing a more visible presence in terms of household lighting. If we could get the percentage keeping their porch lights on at night up closer toward 100 percent, we'd really make a difference in the feeling of light and safety on the blocks in our neighborhood. (Lights added in areas where shadows pool, on the sides of building or fences facing toward the street would also help.) There are now many energy-efficient and even solar-powered lights available. Please do your part for neighborhood safety by ensuring adequate lighting near your household. While light alone won't keep us safe (witness the in-broad-daylight robbery reported in item 5), it will help some, and it's something that's within our power to achieve if we keep reminding one another (the next HNA flyer will include this reminder along with other prevention tips, so that those who don't get the E-News will also receive the message).
Thanks and be well!
-Nancy Carleton, HNA Co-Chair and E-Newsletter Editor
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1. Attention Neighbors West of Shattuck! Please Read!
The second half of the disaster preparedness planning meeting this Sunday (see item 2, regarding the part from 5 to 6 p.m.) relates directly to you and your family's safety in the aftermath of a big earthquake. Because of the need to get more supply caches into District 3 neighborhoods and because of HNA's respected track record with disaster preparedness planning, we have an opportunity to get a supply cache early this year to go in the part of our neighborhood west of Shattuck and east of Adeline (up to the Oakland border on the south and Ashby to the north). This is a great chance for those of you west of Shattuck to have a cache nearby enough that you and your neighbors will have some of the supplies needed (which you can supplement over time) to get organized, take effective action, and save lives following a big quake (the cache supplies aren't geared toward individual/family preparedness, but toward making it possible for neighbors to take action to help one another, for example, disaster first aid supplies and light search & rescue tools).
If you're able to come to Sunday's planning meeting (again, see item 2), please do, but even if you can't come to the meeting for whatever reason, please let us know that there is indeed a critical mass of neighbors west of Shattuck interested in neighborhood-wide disaster response efforts who are willing to be stewards of the cache once it's there. (And if anyone knows of someone with a deep driveway or spot in their backyard for locating the cache, please pass that information on before Sunday! We have one likely spot on Woolsey at Tremont, but if there's a better site, let us know.) What being a steward of the cache means is that you're willing to be one of the neighbors with the code to the lock who will show up at the cache (once you've secured the safety of your own household) to open it and start getting neighbors organized to utlize cache materials. For our HNA cache on Halcyon Court, two dozen neighbors have made this commitment. It's also helpful to know who has taken any or all of the City's CERT trainings and any other thoughts you might have on this project.
Your neighbors east of Shattuck are willing to help you realize this opportunity for obtaining a supply cache in the the near future by sponsoring the application to the City for a free cache through the Halcyon Neighborhood Association, and to mentor you in setting up a West of Shattuck neighborhood disaster response plan, but your willingness to participate is crucial to our moving forward with this! Contact <> if you support the idea of a neighborhood disaster supply cache west of Shattuck!
-Nancy Carleton, HNA Co-Chair and Coordinator of the Halcyon Disaster Supply Cache Team <>
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2. Disaster Prep Planning Meeting, Sunday, January 27, 4-6 p.m., 3049 Wheeler Street
Your participation is needed and appreciated to help move our emergency preparedness forward at a planning meeting on January 27th! It looks like we have the likelihood of getting an additional disaster supply cache for the part of the neighborhood west of Shattuck, especially if enough folks from that end show up to help move things forward.
From 4 to 5 p.m., we'll begin the process of planning a big neighborhood-wide disaster preparedness drill (scheduled for May 18). We'll also discuss logistics for another 55-gallon water barrel order and other ways we can move our disaster prep efforts forward step by step.
From 5 to 6 p.m., we'll brainstorm about getting another disaster supply cache located in the area west of Shattuck and east of Adeline. We especially invite the participation of those who live west of Shattuck! Agenda topics will include getting clear on the best location for the cache (the likeliest possibility so far looks like the corner of Tremont and Woolsey) and getting started filling out the required City application. If you have another location to suggest or want more information, contact <> or come to the meeting!
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3. Shattuck Corridor Merchants' Watch Meeting Today, Wednesday, Jan. 23, 5:30-7:00 p.m., 6525 Shattuck
This message was received from Christopher Waters, owner of Nomad Cafe, who is helping organize merchants in responding to crime along the Shattuck Corridor:
Just a friendly reminder about the Shattuck Merchant Watch meeting this evening - residential neighbors are invited, and I hope some of you will come. It will be an opportunity for us to get to know each other, exchange emergency phone numbers (there will be a contact list circulating at the meeting), and get a very useful, informative safety training from the Oakland Police Department.
Shattuck Merchant Watch meeting #1:
Wednesday, Jan. 23
5:30- 7:00 p.m.
6525 Shattuck Avenue (the "Shattuck Muse" building -- across the street from Nomad Cafe)
Presented by: Eddie Simlin, Oakland Police Services Technician
This initial meeting will help the neighborhood merchants to become more organized and to establish communication with each other.
Training will include:
-How to survive an armed robbery
-The "No Trespass" statement (stay away order)
-Protect your business from crime and nuisances
-Learn to work together to create a safer commercial district
-Access city departments to report and solve problems
Presented by: Eddie Simlin, Oakland Police Services Technician
This initial meeting will help the neighborhood merchants to become more organized and to establish communication with each other.
Training will include:
-How to survive an armed robbery
-The "No Trespass" statement (stay away order)
-Protect your business from crime and nuisances
-Learn to work together to create a safer commercial district
-Access city departments to report and solve problems
"Your concerns will be heard and addressed. If you have any topics that you want discussed at the meeting or want more information, call 238-6200 or email Please leave a detailed message."
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4. Crime Watch Follow-up: Safety Analysis in Vicinity of Chochmat HaLev
Jeffrey Kessler of Chochmat HaLev wrote up this report of our safety walkthrough in the area around Chochmat HaLev last Wednesday:
Here are my notes from the safety walkabout:
Present were Jerry Koch from Berkeley Parks and Waterfront, Andrew Frankel from Berkeley Police Dept, Jim Hynes from the city manager's office, Nancy Carleton from the Halcyon Neighborhood Association, and Cheryl Bartky and Jeffrey Kessler from Chochmat HaLev (CHL).
The high shrubbery on the Prince side of CHL needs to be removed or severely pruned down. Officer Frankel suggested that shrubbery should be less than 2 feet and the limbs on trees should be cleared up to 7 ft (defensible space). Lots of pruning is needed on the Fulton side of CHL as well. Severe pruning or removal of the juniper at the western edge of our property (on Prince Street) is highly recommended.
More lighting suggested for CHL: light on the Prince side of main sanctuary (on timer, then with motion detector); light on west-most corner of facility; question about the lighting on the Fulton side of sanctuary - do the two sets of lights work?; need to repair and/or improve lighting on ramp area leading to the back door.
Suggestion that we move the gate on the Prince side (at west end of property) closer to street; suggestion that gate into ramp area on Fulton (at north end of property) be locked.
Halcyon Neighborhood Association will encourage all in our area to increase lighting on front of private property: to use porch lights, possibly to install low lighting or fence lights. Generally, the City lighting is quite good. Where this is augmented by good property lighting, areas seem much safer (no dark spaces for predators to lurk). it was pointed out that such auxiliary lighting can be installed facing the street (the public area) and need not shine into anyone's window. Some suggestion was made that the City of Berkeley and/or PG&E might subsidize some new low-tech lighting for private properties.
All incidents, however trivial seeming, should be reported to BPD and City of Berkeley [and reported to the editor of the HNA E-News at <>]
Any City lights that are or become nonfunctioning should be reported, and will be fixed in timely manner.
Sometime in March, UC Berkeley students will be participating in a weekend of community service work [and could help with trimming or replanting of shrubs].
Sometime in [May or June], Halcyon Neighborhood Association is planning a class in basic awareness for self-defense.
Nancy Carleton requested that CHL sponsor some neighborhood events. Two ideas from JK: a torah parade (at simchat torah? at purim?) a Tikkun Olam chorus chanting walkabout. Nancy Carleton will be sending the association's e-newletter to CHL front desk.
in case anyone imagines we are not in a crime zone, please know that the group of us, including our formidable Berkeley police officer, was approached - in an aggressive and intimidating manner - by someone for money. Someone who, when he finally realized he was "out of his league" /in the wrong place sauntered off into the night.
May we all be blessed with safety and peace,
Jeffrey Kessler
[Added note from HNA Co-Chair Nancy Carleton: The City officials were most generous with their time, and we walked many of the blocks surrounding Chochmat HaLev, including Fulton, Ashby, Deakin, Prince down to BART, Tremont, Woolsey, and Wheeler to circle back round to Chochmat HaLev. We found one City light in need of repair/replacement, and the fix order has been turned in, but most lights were functioning as intended and not obscured by trees, though pockets of dark from tree trunks could be alleviated by careful placement of light from private property along the way. All are encouraged to keep their porch lights on at night!]
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5 Crime Watch Report: Robbery on Ashby at Deakin, 2:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 21
A LeConte neighbor reports (and LNA President Karl Reeh comments upon) the following incident:
"I was mugged at gunpoint on Monday 21 at 2:30 PM. I was on Deakin near Ashby. He took my purse and backpack. The robber is a young African-American, maybe early 20s, clean-shaven, about 5' 7", 150 pounds, brown eyes, short hair. He had a black pistol, muzzle about six inches long, the handle at 90 degrees. I should add: The policeman-who came immediately-said that muggers wait near BART, follow or hide nearby, and then jump the person. I suspect that they wait till the person is out of range of BART police. The Berkeley policeman suggested having a decoy purse/bag to hand over. Keep important items on your body where they are less likely to be taken. In theory. I chose not to scream, with a gun pointed at my belly."
NOTE from LNA president Karl Reeh: I question the ethics of telling us that we should EXPECT to be robbed as we walk from Bart . . . during the day! Can't they give us better advice such as "stay on the main streets or wait and walk with somebody." By the way, what happened to the escort service that used to be available at the Ashby Bart a few years ago? -Karl
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6. Crime Watch Report: Burglary at Woolsey and Wheeler Tuesday, Jan. 22
A Woolsey/Wheeler neighbor reports:
"i regret to report yet another burglary in our area, this time at Woolsey and Wheeler. A six- foot high fence and a locked access gate could not prevent someone from getting into my backyard and stealing a weed eater gardening tool from the shed. The immediate neighbors saw/heard nothing but a police report was made. These persons committing these crimes usually "scope out" the area well beforehand. Please DO NOT HESITATE to call the police nonemergency line to report "suspicious activity" or "suspicious persons" in the area. Some examples would be someone riding a bike up and down the same street; walking down the street and ducking into driveways and back out; a person or persons that look like they don't belong to the neighborhood just "hanging out" on foot or in a vehicle; persons walking down the street with a possession that looks like it just came from someone's home. Please let the police sort it out. The burglary you prevent could be your own. The mugging you prevent could be your wife or family. Don't lament yours or your neighbors loss [after the fact] when it can be prevented."
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7. Lost & Found: Items Left at Potluck Households
The following items need to find their way home (if they haven't already):
"Someone left a white plate and cheese knife at my place from the appetizers course last Sunday. It's on my front porch (on Emerson)."
"We still have on hand is a red woolen women's shawl. If you've heard or hear of anyone who's missing one . . . (from the salad household on Deakin Street)."
Contact <> if you need to get in touch with either of these households.
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8. UC Berkeley Sponsoring Global Warming Forum, Thursday, January 31, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Irene Hegarty, Director of Community Relations at UC Berkeley, extended the following invitation:
You and your neighbors are cordially invited to attend a special event on the UC Berkeley campus on January 31, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Focus the Nation: Global Warming Solutions for America, is an educational and interactive forum to put the spotlight on institutional, community and individual action on climate change. The morning session will feature individual and panel presentations from faculty, community members, and elected officials. The afternoon program includes breakout sessions led by UC Berkeley students, a presentation by Nobel Laureate Dr. Steven Chu, and remarks from Assemblyman Fabian Nunez, speaker of the California Assembly. The event is free.
Similar forums are being held simultaneously at 1,000 universities across the nation. For more information and to RSVP, see
Irene Hegarty
Director, Community Relations
Government and Community Relations
Government and Community Relations
Office of the Chancellor
University of California, Berkeley
336 Sproul Hall #4208
Berkeley, CA 94720-4208
Ph: 510/643-5296, Fax: 643-0281
University of California, Berkeley
336 Sproul Hall #4208
Berkeley, CA 94720-4208
Ph: 510/643-5296, Fax: 643-0281
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For Your Calendar: HNA Dates Scheduled for 2008
Dates set as of January 2008 (verify a couple weeks before event by checking HNA E-Newsletter):
Sunday, January 27, 2008, 4-6 p.m., Disaster Preparedness Committee meeting (4-5 p.m. plan spring disaster prep drill; 5-6 p.m., discuss supply cache for west of Shattuck), 3049 Wheeler St.
Sunday, March 16, 2008, 6-8 p.m., Community Potluck, location TBD
Sometime in March, 2008, date to be announced by Cal's Berkeley Project, Big Work Party in Halcyon Commons and surrounding neighborhood, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince)
Sunday, March 30, 2008, 4-6 p.m., Big Disaster Prep Planning Meeting, location TBD
Sunday, March 30, 2008, 8 p.m., Deadline for ordering 55-gallon water barrels, drop off order forms and payment to HNA Co-Chair Nancy Carleton 3044 Halcyon Ct.
Sunday, May 18, 3-5:30 p.m. (setup 2-3 p.m.), Outdoors Neighborhood Watch event with BIG Neighborhood Disaster Prep Drill, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince)
Saturday, May 31, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Work Party, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince)
Sunday, June 1 (tentative date), afternoon, Neighborhood Watch Self-Defense Training, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince)
Sunday, June 22, 6-8 p.m., Summer Community Potluck, location TBD (someone's backyard/patio)
Saturday, July 26, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Work Party, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince)
Tuesday, August 5, 6-8:30 p.m., National Night Out Against Crime (Potluck 6-7:30; Safety Walk, 7:30-8:30), Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince) and surrounding neighborhood
Saturday, September 20, 9:30 a.m.-12 noon, Work Party, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince)
Sunday, September 28, 4-7 p.m., Party in the Park to Celebrate Completion of Halcyon Commons Rejuvenation Project (with potluck and live music), Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince)
Late October/Early November, date to be announced by Cal's Berkeley Project, Big Work Party in Halcyon Commons and surrounding neighborhood, Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince)
Sunday, October 12, 4-5:30, Big Neighborhood Watch meeting, location TBD
Sunday, November 9, 6-8 p.m. Fall Community Potluck, location TBD
November/December, Sunday afternoon, 4-5:30 p.m., Planning meeting, 2009 dates, date TBD, location TBD
Sunday, January 11, 2009, 5:30-8:45 p.m., Post-Holiday Progressive Potluck, four locations TBD
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* Disaster Prep Supply Cache Wish List
HNA's Disaster Prep Supply Cache contains items intended to benefit the entire neighborhood in the event of disaster. You can help us have what we need on hand in two ways: (1) Make a tax-deductible financial contribution to Berkeley Partners for Parks (BPFP, our nonprofit fiscal sponsor), earmarked Halcyon Disaster Prep, which will go toward purchasing additional supplies, and mail or drop off to HNA Treasurer Susan Hunter, 3044 Halcyon Court, Berkeley, CA 94705. (2) Contribute any of the following items in-kind (supplies MUST be new or in GOOD condition):
Duct Tape (this is a versatile supply that allows us to improvise with common household items in the event of a disaster: lots needed!); Batteries (AA, C, D), regular & rechargeable; Battery Recharger for AA (LOTS of these needed!), C, D; Quality Walkie-Talkies with 8-mile range, 22 channels (i.e., Motorola Talkabout T5500 two-way radios); Axes; Crow Bars, Hard Hats; Other Tools for Search & Rescue; Head Lamps; Heavy-duty Flashlights; Bullhorn; Flashcard (for storing neighborhood database to transfer to laptop); Sheets (freshly laundered or new; good for first aid); Blankets; First Aid Supplies; Gas Siphon (for extracting gas from cars to run generator); 5-Gallon Drums for long-term gas storage; Work Gloves; Large Camping Tents (with all parts!); Coleman or similar Gas or Propane Stove; Shelving for Shed; Two-Foot Lengths of 2x4s and 4x4s (good for cribbing and creating fulcrums for removing heavy objects during search & rescue operations).
Contact HNA Co-Chair and Cache Coordinator Nancy Carleton at <> or 644-0172 to contribute supplies.
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* City of Berkeley: Useful Contact Information
Police Emergency Number: 911 (from landline); 981-5911(from cell; preprogram with this number to reach Berkeley emergency from a cell)
Police Nonemergency Number: 981-5900
Link to beat maps and a list of beat officers:
In Halcyon neighborhood, west of Fulton is Beat 10, east of Fulton is Beat 9.
Link to crime stats:
Link to police bulletins:
Other City Departments:
Neighborhood Services Liaison Jim Hynes <> 981-2493
Public Works Customer Service: 981-6620 (streets, sidewalks, graffiti, sewers, litter, storm drains, street lights)
Tree Trimming/Planting (Forestry)/Parks: 981-6660
Written Communication with City Council:
To comment to City Council, cut and paste the following email addresses:
City Clerk <>,
Mayor Tom Bates <>,
Councilmember Linda Maio <>,
Councilmember Darryl Moore <>,
Councilmember Max Anderson <>,
Councilmember Dona Spring <>,
Councilmember Laurie Capitelli <>,
Councilmember Betty Olds <>,
Councilmember Kriss Worthington <>,
Councilmember Gordon Wozniak <>
Representatives for Our Neighborhood:
Councilmember Max Anderson (District 3) 981-7130
West side of Wheeler Street to west (except for Woolsey between Wheeler and Shattuck)
Councilmember Kriss Worthington (District 7) 981-7170
East side of Wheeler to east (includes block of Woolsey from Wheeler to Shattuck)
Mayor Tom Bates 981-7100
Zoning Adjustments Board:
To comment to the Zoning Adjustments Board regarding projects on their calendar, email:
Zoning Adjustments Board <>
(best to submit your comments 10 days prior to meeting for inclusion in the advance packet to board members, but late submissions will be distributed the evening of the meeting)
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* Halcyon Neighborhood Association's Guiding Principles
HNA is a community group dedicated to stewardship of the Halcyon Neighborhood in South Berkeley (bounded by Telegraph, Ashby, Adeline, and Woolsey). We encourage positive, proactive, partnership-oriented approaches to improving the well-being of our neighborhood, with an emphasis on the following goals:
- Community building (such as regular potlucks, special events in the park, mutual support among neighbors, and multiblock yard sales);
- Ongoing care of Halcyon Commons (a park conceived of and created by the neighbors who founded HNA) under the nonprofit umbrella provided by Berkeley Partners for Parks and in partnership with the City of Berkeley;
- Continued greening and care of the neighborhood (planting trees, cleaning litter off streets, graffiti removal, and helping maintain public landscaped features);
- Strengthening neighborhood watch (crime watch, community safety walks, emergency preparedness, and disaster supply cache);
- Networking with the larger Berkeley community (nearby neighborhood groups, neighborhood businesses, City staff, and elected officials);
- Sharing information and empowering residents to become proactive in addressing neighborhood needs and in expressing individual viewpoints regarding civic affairs (spreading news through meetings, flyers, and the HNA E-Newsletter, and providing contact information).
To fulfill these goals, HNA provides a sanctuary from partisan politics so that neighbors with diverse viewpoints feel welcome to participate. Thus, HNA only takes stands on larger issues when there is near-unanimity among neighbors. By focusing on immediate local concerns, we find we can have a greater impact and get better results from the time we invest.
Guided by these principles, HNA invites neighbors who are willing to work together in a spirit of partnership to participate at whatever level makes sense for them. Opportunities for serving on our volunteer Steering Committee and project-oriented committees are available to neighbors who are willing to roll up their sleeves and work together in a nonpartisan spirit. Neighbors are invited to step forward into leadership positions defined by the work they do in accordance with HNA's primary goals and guiding principles.
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The Halcyon Neighborhood Association E-Newsletter: The HNA E-Newsletter forwards occasional crime-watch notices as well as items of general interest to neighbors in the Ashby/Telegraph/Woolsey/Adeline area of south Berkeley (HNA's borders), including announcements about community-building potlucks, greening projects, disaster preparedness meetings, and work parties in Halcyon Commons Park. If you're receiving this email, you probably either signed up at a neighborhood event or a neighbor forwarded it to you. Please note that to prevent spam, HNA always uses bcc and does not share your email address with third parties. If you wish to be removed from this list, please reply to HNA Co-Chair Nancy Carleton/Halcyon Neighborhood Association <>. Feel free to pass the HNA E-Newsletter on to other neighbors you think might be interested.
To submit items for the newsletter: Email unformatted content or links (no graphics or attachments) to HNA E-Newsletter Editor Nancy Carleton <>. Crime-watch reports and news about neighbors (births, new jobs, announcements re home businesses) is especially welcome. Please note that due to the volunteer nature of the endeavor, the E-Newsletter does not typically include "letters to the editor" or "commentary," but will gladly include links to such items written by neighbors in the Ashby/Telegraph/Woolsey/Adeline area and published elsewhere (the Berkeley Daily Planet has a large section devoted to opinion).
HNA Halcyon Safety Walk Listserve: For those who'd like to participate in night-time and daytime safety "dog" walks (dogs not required) to build community and serve as eyes on the street, please reply to Halcyon Neighborhood Association <> indicating your interest, and you will receive an invitation to join. For everyone's safety, be sure to include your full name, address, email, and phone.
HNA Blog: If you would like to view previous newsletters online (and comment via a blog format, though this is a low-activity blog), please visit
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