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Halcyon Neighborhood Association E-Newsletter*
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Items appearing in the HNA E-Newsletter are deemed to be of general interest to neighbors but do not necessarily reflect the views of Halcyon Neighborhood Association, its Steering Committee, or the Editor. The Editor's introductory comments express her own personal viewpoint.
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1. LeConte Neighborhood Assoc. Meeting, Thurs., Feb. 15, 7:30-9:00, LeConte School
2. Disaster Preparedness Supply Cache Meeting, Sunday, March 4, 4:00-5:15 p.m.
3. HNA Steering Committee Meeting, Sunday, March 4, 5:20-6:00 p.m.
4. UC Chancellor's Community Partnership Grant: Round for 2007 Announced
5. 2006 Election Spending: District 7 Challenger Is Top Spender Citywide
6. ZAB Hearing Thurs., Feb. 8, on Permit to Increase Alcohol Services and Extend Hours at 2953-2955 Telegraph
7. Most of Berkeley Alcohol Policy Advocacy Coalition (BAPAC) Proposals Pass Council
8. Labyrinth Community Peace Walk, Sun., Feb. 18, 3 p.m., Willard Middle School
9. Berkeley Residents Urged to Cut Water Usage to Avoid Rationing
10. Berkeley Firefighters Association News
Applications are now being solicited for the next round of the UC Chancellor's Community Partnership Fund grants. This is the second year of this program aimed at involving UCB with the Berkeley community. Last year, HNA won a $13,640 grant toward our Halcyon Commons Rejuvenation Project. You'll start to see the fruits of this effort in Halcyon Commons Park this spring and summer. If you have an idea to improve the neighborhood you think would meet the grant criteria (see the link at Item 4), please email me at <ngc2@mindspring.com> or HNA Co-Chair John Steere at <jsteere@igc.org>, or consider coming to the HNA Steering Committee meeting on March 4 (see Item 3) to pitch your idea.
And a reminder: Please email me information (again at <ngc2@mindspring.com>) for our crime-watch announcements, no matter how small the crime. Keeping one another aware of what's happening in the neighborhood is one of the best ways we can strengthen our crime-watch efforts.
-Nancy Carleton, HNA Co-Chair and E-Newsletter Editor
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1. LeConte Neighborhood Assoc. Meeting, Thurs., Feb. 15, 7:30-9:00, LeConte School
[Editor's Note: LeConte Neighborhood Association's boundaries overlaps with Halcyon Neighborhood Association's south of Ashby, and our two groups have enjoyed a cordial relationship over the years. Neighbors are encouraged to attend LNA meetings if they are interested in finding out more about the issues LNA addresses.]
LNA Agenda to include:
1. Report from Officer Bartalini (Beat 9: Thurs.-Sun. Evening)
2. Update on UC Storage and Cell Phone Antennas (Appeal to City Council by Companies?)
3. 2701 Shattuck/2100 Derby Mixed Use Building (OUR appeal to City Council)
4. "Save the Oaks," Panoramic Neighborhood Suit against UC: Should LNA support and/or join?
5. Proposed Zoning changes on Telegraph
6. "Neighborhood Watch" to help prevent additional broken windows and vandalized vehicles on 2300 and 2200 Blocks of Stuart Street after school lets out.
7. Election of Board (see nominations below)
January LNA Meeting Summary:
1. Our Beat Officer Bartalini made a presentation concerning recent crime in the area and gave suggestions for how to help prevent future crimes. He stressed being aware of your surroundings at all times. He handed out flyers on I. D. theft, a guide to identifying suspicious activity and other major crime issues. Steering wheel locks are still available free for older "most likely to be stolen" vehicles.
2. 270l Shattuck/2700 Derby (proposed mixed use 5-story building) Approved by ZAB. Briefly discussed.
3. Cell Phone Antennas: Shattuck/Ward. Information about upcoming ZAB. (NOTE This was voted down by ZAB 6-3 on Jan 25. Thanks to many meetings and activities by local residents.)
4. Ongoing Projects:
A. Illegal Lawn Parking: Jerry Miller has spearheaded the effort to stop the spread of this "DE-gentrification" process, which allows
landlords and homeowners to destroy the beauty and ecological value of landscaped front yards by "temporary" parking that then often becomes permanent. Help is needed to carry this cause forward so if this is a problem on your block that you want to stop - or at least slow down, please volunteer.
B. Three & One Half Ton+ Trucks cutting through our neighborhood: Paul Rabinow has been watching this problem for many years. With
his concerted help we got signs installed but enforcement is still mostly up to residents. We have to report violations by noting the name of company trucks, time and place while following up by contacting Andronico's (or other likely destinations.) Or as Patti Dacey suggests, stopping the truck and dealing directly with the driver?) Innovative and persistent volunteers are needed to work on this. Noise and safety are the issues here.
5. ABAG Association of Bay Area Government: Patti reported on their recent report that Berkeley will need to add thousands of new housing units as part of "its share" in our region. We need to study this document in light of what Berkeley has already done and what other cities have not done.
6. LeConte Chat: We have over 100 members and a high count of communication. Please encourage your neighbors to join so that we can relay vital information throughout our neighbors on a regular basis. Your input is always welcome, as well. To join LeConte Chat go to:
7. Nominations for Board Members:
The following current members are standing for reelection:
Karl Reeh, Dick Lerner, Patti Dacey, Jerry Miller, Rob Wrenn
Also nominated: George Conklin, former board member; Chris Lien, Halcyon neighbor; Gale Garcia
[Editor's Note: Halcyon Neighborhood Association does not make endorsements or run candidates for the LNA Board.]
Agenda items and additional nominations for the LNA Board welcome.
Contact Karl Reeh, President, LeConte Neighborhood Association, 510 843-2602
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2. Disaster Preparedness Supply Cache Meeting, Sunday, March 4, 4:00-5:15 p.m.
Halcyon Neighborhood Association won a Disaster Supply Cache from the City of Berkeley in November, but to use it to the fullest, we need to supplement the supplies and get better organized. Please join us for a brief meeting that can help us take the next step to get our neighborhood ready for the BIG ONE!
Sunday, March 4, 4:00-5:15 p.m.
3044-B Halcyon Court (back unit at end of driveway to south of house where supply cache is located)
This meeting is open to anyone in the territory covered by HNA (bounded by Ashby, Telegraph, Woolsey, and Adeline) who is interested in helping the neighborhood become better organized in the face of an earthquake or other major disaster. While folks who have taken the City's emergency classes are encouraged to attend, you do not have to have received prior training - just be willing to pitch in!
* We'll review what's in the Disaster Supply Cache (located at the end of the driveway at 3044 Halcyon, where we're meeting), and discuss the best ways to get the cache fully operational (i.e., obtaining batteries and gas for the generator; scheduling drill; identifying additional useful supplies).
* We'll discuss an outline of a bare-bones emergency response plan for the larger neighborhood and consider ways to flesh it out. This will include information on how to organize an effective Incident Command System (a flexible and expandable organizational structure that will enable us to respond with maximum efficiency in the event of a disaster).
For more information, contact HNA Co-Chair Nancy Carleton <ngc2@mindspring.com>.
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3. HNA Steering Committee Meeting, Sunday, March 4, 5:20-6:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 4, 5:20-6:00 p.m.
3044-B Halcyon Court (back unit at end of driveway to south of house)
Immediately following the Disaster Prep meeting on Sunday, March 4, HNA's Steering Committee will meet briefly to set the calendar for the coming year (community-wide neighborhood watch meeting(s), work parties in the park, quarterly potlucks, National Night Out Against Crime, Steering Committee meetings, etc.). If you're interested in joining the Steering Committee (prime ingredient: willingness to work some, not just talk! - meetings are infrequent, with other business conducted by email in between meetings), please contact HNA Co-Chairs Nancy Carleton (644-0172) or John Steere (849-1969), or email<ngc2@mindspring.com>.
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4. UC Chancellor's Community Partnership Grant: Round for 2007 Announced
Press Release: Applications Solicited for UC Berkeley Community Partnership Grants
2007 Proposal/Grant Process and Timeline
January 25: Grant applications available: http://communityrelations.berkeley.edu/ccpf
February 14: Community Workshop, 3:-5 p.m.,150 University Hall (Oxford & Addison), UC Berkeley campus
March 8: Community Workshop, 7-9 p.m., St. Paul's African Methodist Episcopal Church, 2024 Ashby Avenue, Berkeley
April 30, 5 p.m.: Deadline for receipt of applications
July: Awards announced
August: Grants distributed
The University of California, Berkeley, Chancellor's Community Partnership Fund invites local community groups to apply for it second annual grants program. Berkeley-based nonprofit organizations and neighborhood groups that propose projects linking UC Berkeley with the community to improve the quality of life for Berkeley residents are eligible to apply for funding.
"Last year we received an impressive set of proposals and were delighted to fund many of them," said Chancellor Robert Birgeneau. "We hope to build on that success and look forward to reviewing this year's proposals that connect the university and the community."
Through a competitive process, the Chancellor's Community Partnership Fund will distribute $207,000 in grants for projects in two categories: neighborhood improvement projects that enhance community facilities or the physical environment of Berkeley neighborhoods and community support and service projects that further the economic, social, or cultural well-being of Berkeley residents.
"This is an opportunity to leverage the academic resources of the university and the creative energy and commitment of the community," said Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates.
Grant proposals are due by April 30, 2007, and awards will be announced in July.
Additional information about the fund and a grant application package are available online at http://communityrelations.berkeley.edu/ccpf. For questions about the fund, contact UC Berkeley Community Relations Director Irene Hegarty at 510 643-5296 or <hegarty@berkeley.edu>.
The fund is hosting two public workshops for prospective applicants: on February 14, 3-5 p.m. at 150 University Hall on the UC Berkeley campus, and on March 8, 7-9 p.m. at St. Paul's AME Church, 2024 Ashby Avenue, Berkeley. Registration is not required, but RSVPs to <calpartnershipfund@berkeley.edu> would be appreciated.
The Chancellor's Community Partnership Fund was established as part of the university's agreement with the City of Berkeley following the adoption of the UC Berkeley 2020 Long Range Development Plan. In 2006, the fund received 45 applications and awarded grants to 15 community-based organizations. Annual allocations to the fund will be made through the year 2020.
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5. 2006 Election Spending: District 7 Challenger Is Top Spender Citywide
"Election Report Highlights City's Big Spenders," Berkeley Daily Planet, Feb. 6-8
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6. ZAB Hearing Thurs., Feb. 8, on Permit to Increase Alcohol Services and Extend Hours at 2953-2955 Telegraph
Excerpt from the Berkeley Daily Planet, February 6-8, 2007 (http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/article.cfm?issue=02-06-07&storyID=26264):
"The Board will once again hear a request for a use permit to increase alcohol service for the Ethiopian Restaurant on 2953-2955 Telegraph Ave. [near Ashby] by adding service of distilled spirits to the existing service of beer and wine, and by increasing operating hours from 8 a.m. to midnight daily to 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. daily."
[Editor's note: HNA does not have an official position on this application, but neighbors have raised concerns related to past complaints against the business with regard to alcohol. Interested neighbors are encouraged to submit their comments, pro or con, to the Zoning Adjustments Board at Planning Dept., City of Berkeley, 2120 Milvia St, 97404, 981-7410, <zab@ci.berkeley.ca.us>).]
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7. Most of Berkeley Alcohol Policy Advocacy Coalition (BAPAC) Proposals Pass Council
"Berkeley Council Backs New Alcohol Statutes," Martin Snapp, Contra Costa Times, 1/31/2007
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8. Labyrinth Community Peace Walk, Sun., Feb. 18, 3 p.m., Willard Middle School
Community Labyrinth Peace Walk at 3 p.m., Sun., Feb. 18, Willard Middle School (Telegraph Ave. between Derby & Stuart, Berkeley). Everyone welcome. Wheelchair accessible. Rain cancels. Contact info@eastbaylabyrinthproject.org, 526-7377.
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9. Berkeley Residents Urged to Cut Water Usage to Avoid Rationing
"East Bay Municipal Utilities District Issues Call for Tap Water Conservation"
Richard Brenneman, Berkeley Daily Planet, page 2, 2/6/2007
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10. Berkeley Firefighters Association News
The Berkeley Firefighters Association has just updated its new website:
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The Halcyon Neighborhood Association E-Newsletter: The HNA E-Newsletter forwards occasional crime watch notices as well as items of general interest to neighbors in the Ashby/Telegraph/Woolsey/Adeline area of south Berkeley (HNA's borders), including announcements about community-building potlucks, greening projects, disaster preparedness meetings, and work parties in Halcyon Commons Park. If you're receiving this email, you probably either signed up at a neighborhood event or a neighbor forwarded it to you. Please note that to prevent spam, HNA always uses bcc and does not share your email address with third parties. If you wish to be removed from this list, please reply to HNA Co-Chair Nancy Carleton/Halcyon Neighborhood Association <ngc2@mindspring.com>. Feel free to pass the HNA E-Newsletter on to other neighbors you think might be interested.
To submit items for the newsletter: Email unformatted content or links (no graphics or attachments) to HNA E-Newsletter Editor Nancy Carleton <ngc2@mindspring.com>. Crime watch reports and news about neighbors is especially welcome. Please note that due to the volunteer nature of the endeavor, the E-Newsletter does not typically include "letters to the editor" or "commentary," but will gladly include links to such items written by neighbors in the Ashby/Telegraph/Woolsey/Adeline area and published elsewhere.
HNA Listserve: If you would like to receive messages (and participate in discussions) on the HNA Listserve, please reply to Halcyon Neighborhood Association <ngc2@mindspring.com> indicating your interest, and you will receive an invitation to join. [The HNA Listserve is currently inactive but can be revived if enough neighbors show interest.]
HNA Blog: If you would like to view previous newsletters online (and comment via a blog format), please visit http://halcyoncourt.blogspot.com/
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